Log into LSX control panel
Click on Email Tab
Click Add Email (it takes 10 minutes for email account creation so you will not be able to access email box for 10 minutes.)
Type in email address name (can be anything you want but not special characters. Ex. Jon or j.smith or info or sales)
Email Password Requirements:
Passwords must contain at least 6 characters. Passwords cannot contain:
• 3 or more consecutive numerals (e.g., 567, 1234, 98765)
• The word "password"
• The mailbox user name
• The mailbox domain name
--> For example, if you have abc.com, you will not be able to use “abc” within your password.
To access webmail type http://webmail.YourDomainName.com - replace YourDomainName with your actual domain name ex. mortgagesite.com
How to add an email alias or forward
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